How to make an appointment

Do you have an acute problem (such as tooth ache, mouth swelling, bleeding etc.)?

Zavolejte nám na tel číslo 737 976 488.
NOVINKA napište nám přes Whatsapp i mimo ordinační hodiny. Chat on WhatsApp
Ordinační doba pro akutní pacienty je pondělí až čtvrtek 14:30-15:00. Na termín je nutné se dopředu objednat.
Neregistrovaní pacienti mohou navštívit zubní pohotovost v Úrazové nemocnici Brno všední dny od 18h, volné dny od 8h

Do you wish to plan an appointment for a preventive dental check up or a dental hygiene?

You can book this in our online system.

Online booking

Online booking is for preventive dental check-ups and dental hygiene. System offers only available spots. Choose a time and date that suits you. You will then receive an email with your reservation information. After a double-check from our reception you will receive a confirmation email.

Do you wish to cancel your appointment?

We ask all patients to cancel their appointments at least 48 hours prior at or by sms at 737976488. Repeated absence without an apology or cancelling only hours before your appointment can lead to a termination of a mutual cooperation. In case you make a timely apology, we are happy to offer another time and date that can suit you better.